Sunday, July 3, 2022

Please pray for Msgr. Seth Hermoso


Please Pray for Msgr. Seth Hermoso

Our beloved Msgr. Seth is in critical condition at the Methodist Hospital.  Currently, he is on life support.  His vitals are stable but he is unresponsive.  We truly understand that many want to visit Monsignor at the hospital or contact Fr. Edmund Eduarte and Monsignor's immediate family, however, with great respect, let us offer them some privacy during this critical moment.  

We do however, want to ask for your prayers for Monsignor in the coming days.  Pray earnestly and fervently that God's will be done and that our Lord be ever more close to his beloved servant.  Nothing truly is impossible to God and whatever happens, we are united as one Filipino community in prayer for our loved one.

We will be providing regular updates on our Facebook page at  Please visit us often.

Thank you for your concern and your love for Msgr. Seth.

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